Monday 10th of March 2025

The Gaza Holocaust

Further to the Ancient History of the Jewish people I have tried to encapsulate that which I have so far researched as I apprehend it.Firstly, from the beginning as wandering tribes, the Jewish people have had, to say the least, oscillating fortunes.Apparently stateless tribes, they were led from Egyptian captivity by Abraham. They could not have been Israelites at that time since Israel didn't exist. (My observation only).So after forty one years of wandering, these people conquered Canaan under the command of Joshua and divided the tribes into twelve.They established a Monarchy under Saul and continued under King David and SolomonKing David conquered the Canaanite town of Jerusalem and made it his capital.After King Solomon's reign, the nation split into two Kingdoms - Israel, consisting of ten of the tribes in the north and Judah consisting of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the south.Israel was conquered by the Assyrians in 8th Century BCE. However, there is no accepted historical record of the ten tribes which are sometimes referred to as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.I hope this is accepted in the debate because I think it could be relevant to the appreciation or otherwise of the history of this ancient civilisation, bearing in mind the following observation:January 6, 2009

Historical amnesia and Gaza by Phyllis Bennis viz: Where you decide to start the clock determines how you define the crisis.




The Middle East Murders.

In I have been permitted to create a new thread entitled "The Middle East Murders".

With supreme egotism I have made the first entry as follows:

I suppose that it would be appropriate for me to make the first comment on this thread. We can and I hope we do - print in these forums the facts, figures and abuses of human rights which the new Israel claims are the heroic deeds of their multi-national nuclear capable military. We should remember that this story has been told many times in our lifetime - sometimes as propaganda but also several times in entertainment Movies of so-called expose’s of the cruelty of power when abused by those who have it – and  against those who do not. That is the old, old story of the underdog being mistreated; raped; murdered and divested of life, liberty and the freedom that the US hypocrites have so callously exploited since the early 1900’s. Just imagine:  There is a small farmer-based nation whose citizens have no education and no information sources especially those concerning the “smash and grab” behaviour which used to be the methods in the Middle Ages?   And now the Zionists use those methods in the Middle East Murders. Well might the Zionists claim that their rights go back to the middle ages because their methods belong in that time? They should remember that their aggression against the Canaanites and Jebus in history, eventually turned on them – and they want us to be sorry for them? The new leader of Middle East Murderers, US trained Binyamin Netanyahu, will take every advantage of the “meek” to inherit the earth with America. 



This has been cross-posted in  


The Middle East Murderers.

For the sake of reducing my typing, I shall call the Middle East Murderers (Israelis) MEM's.


Now that the MEM's have attacked and murdered innocent people in Palestine proper; the West Bank; Gaza; Jordan; Syria; Lebanon; Iraq et al - without warning or the civilised method of war declaration - WHY should any nation in the entire world trust them?


The evidence against this race of apparently maniacal "killers" is more solid now that Gaza has become the last straw. The patience of a world whose representation in the United Nations is no protection against the unbridled "you are with us or against us" attitude of the MEM's.


Now, in an article by the Jewish Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, the Zionist leader of the Israelis has stated "NETANYAHU TO OBAMA; STOP IRAN - OR I WILL". Fair dinkum.


The entire frightening interview can be read on


So the world has this problem - some 200,000 Israelis, their supporters thoughout the world, and led by the cult of Mount Zion, are telling the US President, in no simple terms, that the monster the President's nation has created under false pretences, is now even more uncontrollable than ever before.


Does anyone really believe that all the Zionists want is peace?  Fair dinkum. Didn’t Hitler say exactly the same thing?


Outside of the early actions involving the German Army, I cannot think of any situation in my lifetime where the behaviour of people like the MEM's is permitted under any measure of natural justice and the rights of humanity.


No group of war criminals should be allowed to continue their murderous actions on the blood of innocent people, just because the MEM's say that they suspect them.


For example, suspecting Iran of what? At the worst, becoming a nuclear power - like the MEM's? Then why is that a crime worthy of the massacre of another race of people? Any race will do?  Surely people wouldn't think that the MEM's are racist? Surely not.


The more I learn about the modern history of new Israel, the more I am determined to try to make people think and reason - why?


I lived through the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich and the signs are so similar that it is worthy of decent people to do what ever they can to reverse this trend - because to allow it to remain, even status quo, will only delay the inevitable.




The Evil that men do lives......

Even with the years of stress, indecision, illegal war and the rise and fall of our own "Axis of Evil" consisting of Tony Blair, John Howard and G.W. Bush, the Zionist problem is still as threatening as it ever was.

I quote an article in Aljazeera as follows:

"After so many years of setting the tone, bribing UK politicians and controlling the BBC they (Zionists) are used to being untouchable.” - (Gilad Atzmon, “Britain Must de-Zionist Itself Immediately,” Nov. 17, 2009, MWC News).

This week the British people listened to the Daily Mall’s Peter Oborne present, on Channel 4, his devastating account of the Jewish lobby’s control of their government. Now we know that virtually all the principal politicians in the UK of both parties, like their brothers across the lake in our House and Senate, take “contributions” from the Israeli lobby machine ensuring that the Anglo-American mid-east policies follow the dictates of the Israeli government. Gilad Atzmon responded to this report in his article “Britain must de-Zionise itself immediately,” noting that this control has been in place for so many years the lobby feels “untouchable.”

And this:

Indeed, a British court has reportedly issued an arrest warrant for Israeli former foreign minister Tzipi Livni on Monday. The warrant was issued for "war crimes" when she was foreign minister during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry and Livni's office said they were unaware of an arrest warrant against the Kadima chairman.
Livni's planned trip to the UK was not canceled for fear of arrest, her office said, but rather was called off some time ago due to unrelated reasons.
Livni's office also said that the opposition leader was proud of all the decisions she made as foreign minister during the Gaza war, an operation which she said achieved its goal of bring security to Israel.

The latter is interesting since, as far as I am aware, the unholy alliance of the US/Zionist have maintained their stand not to sign up to the International Criminal Court and Kyoto or anything that takes away their complete avoidance of international responsibilities.

IF you are going to have a "nation" of pure religious and ethnic bigotry, like the Zionists insist, where is the authority for the UN to allow them to be members when they have no defensible legal right.  And this will remain as long as there are some Arab Semites who will defend their right to exist.

In time, whatever the ultimate result of this massive travesty of justice is, there is one moral here which the Zionists and the US cannot change, and that is they have lost their combined claim of democracy.

There is another tragedy unfolding here in that, as history has demonstrated, while the Zionists bribe the "bribables" in whatever country for special privilege, the price of that will continually rise as it has in the past history of the Jewish money lenders.  Those who accept bribes become accustomed to it - don't we know? As this bar is raised, the need to feed it does as well and the end is inevitable.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.