Monday 10th of March 2025

Is it just hypocritical?

Lately I have been taking a step back from my usual 'lefty' approach to politics and tried to see things from another point of view. I was inspired by something Tim Costello said about cynics providing answers and sceptics asking the questions. He said that when a question is posed people think but when the answer is provided they just nod their heads, shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives. I think there is something precious in that statement...


During my musings I have become to realise that I am part of what populists often call the 'intellectual elite'. I seem to know everything that is wrong with out society, I violently disagreed with Pauline Hanson's policies believing them uneducated and tried to convince people that John Howard is carcinogenic. I still passionately believe these things but I think I was going about it the wrong way.

I mean isn't it hypocritical to advocate for tolerance and denigrate those that are not tolerant?

The trouble is I'm confused. On one hand I feel like my passion is dulling and I am becoming jaded with old age. I don't want to be an intellectual snob despite what I believe. I feel the ALP may be a good metaphor for my ideas, slowly slipping to the right. Hopefully this isn't the case and Nirvana is a more appropriate metaphor.

As I am completely lost I could do with some objective feedback.

Left or right

Hey Norman, what makes you think there is anything intellectual about politics? It's in fact exactly the opposite, base, mean and dirty.

If you believe that any political party has the intellectual " right " then you are misled. There are both bright and stupid people who support and represent every political party so how do you decide what are the correct intellectual views? There are none as your view is valid and so is mine. The fact that we can't find anybody to represent those views does not devalue your beliefs or mine. We simply need to gather strength and look for support and find someone who will represent those values.

Many didn't like what Pauline had to say but they desperately fought to take on board her policies didnt' they, both Labor and Liberal. Obviously not all of them but the bulk, just better dressed if you like. She simply said things many felt but were too embarassed to say. She didn't say them well or diplomatically but the messages still got through didn't they? Were her views correct? Of course they were/are, for her and others who feel and think the same way.

To me she represented the Australians who had been pushed into the background and dismissed as irrelevant but they found their voices and have since mainly become Liberal/Nationl voters in my opinion as Howard stole the most.

What is non intellectual about populist views? Are they not simply views that become popular with the majority, or are thought to be? If all popular views and beliefs are to be dismissed as popularist what are we left with? Howard calls views that he opposes but seem to have majority support from the people "populist", does he not? It's a derogatory term that is misused as it means other than what it is given to represent by the media and politicians.

What are you confused about? Your own beliefs? Or the Labor platform fifty years ago? If it's the latter then of course you should be angry, disappointed, confused and so on as those values are no longer represented by either major party. My opinion.

Perhaps you just like to disagree with the majority. That's not a bad thing as it helps to balance out society.

If you are losing faith in your beliefs then maybe that is a good thing as it signifies change. Maybe not the change you thought about but still, change.

You say you seem to know everything that is wrong with our society. Have you solutions as well? If so that is what we need on this site, ideas for change.

Hang in there

We need you! Hang in there .... Forget your qualms and fight those who spread porkies in the name of truth... Especially little Johnnee.