Friday 7th of March 2025

an idiot of a dump glowing in the dark...



Cory Bernardi has used his party's SA election campaign launch to push for nuclear energy in the state, and also to take aim at tech entrepreneur Elon Musk.

the dark ages...

strasbourg cathedral

This is a severe case of proportional loading the scope of individual western wellness onto a global scale. And Mr Pinker, we’re all going to die from whatever, diseased or not.


blind business flatulence...


Vested interests have an even tighter grip on Australia’s political and economic life now than at the height of the mining tax debate, retiring Labor MP Wayne Swan has warned.

the awful state of politics in Australia...

the awful state of politics in Australia


Barnaby Joyce has not returned a phone call to Cabinet colleague Mathias Cormann, but he did dial a journalist to let it be known he will not resign.

pay back...???

idiot nationidiot nation

The millionaire paying Barnaby Joyce's rent runs a business that is benefiting financially from one of the Deputy Prime Minister's most contentious projects, the relocation of the Australian Pests and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

thirteen to the dirty dozen... and still not a single proof...

looney tunes

US investigators have long signalled their belief that Prigozhin, a 56-year-old billionaire businessman, is behind Russia’s internet troll factories.

Nicknamed the “Kremlin’s chef”, Prigozhin once ran Putin’s favourite restaurant in St Petersburg, after which he was awarded multi-billion pound state catering contracts.

he made a mess...


Authority is a very delicate commodity. Abuse it and it becomes unrespected authoritarianism. Fail to nurture it and it withers.

Authority is now Barnaby Joyce's gravest problem.

travelling solo to mars...


The Scottish government announced that it is to host an international conference in 2019 to discuss action on marine litter. It’s ideal territory for any government seeking to be regarded as edgy and cool on this year’s fashionable cause. No one could disagree with its aims and purpose and, more importantly, nothing that emerges from it will commit anyone to spending money or risking the growth of emerging industries.

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