Friday 20th of September 2024


Iraq Wheat Debt (Joy Meharry)

Monies owed to wheat farmers from several years ago -know the one? The debt that was promised to be paid back to the vendors i.e. wheat farmers and some 20% has never been. The Federal Gov has refused to pay the balance - OK I personnally agree with that part. However, I have been told that all monies from the banks in Iraq have been shifted to American bank/s and for the money to be released each payment has to be ratified by governments other than Iraq. Am not sure, cannot find orginal source to confirm, anyone out there know something?

Bullshit Detector Maintenance (Ian Wieland)

Given that there is so much sophisticated spin layering JWH attacks on the Westminster system, the Australian people's bullshit detectors are being snowed. It's a bit like the aluminium foil dropped by allied aircraft during WW 11 to confuse German radar. Can we suggest bullshit detector maintenance call out service (magnetic sign for the car door with tax exempt status) or alternatively a 1800 number to a group therapy session.

Media Responsibilty (Kaye Bernard)

Betty Cuthbert yesterday released balloons with the names of each of the Vietnamese Refugees imprisoned and detained at Christmas Island. Betty the 'Golden Girl' of Olympic fame had earlier in the week written to the PM and Immigration and Justice Ministers asking for their release.

This is a bold step by an Australian Icon, that she did not take lightly. It was motivated by her meeting with 5 of those released on TVP's and her belief in the freedom to run from persecution.

The Justice Minister could only respond on news that night that he had not recieved her request, which was untrue.

The voice of the people will be heard, despite the pathetic reporting of this event in the West Australian Newspaper on 3/9/04. The Journalist trivialised issues of incarceration and justice in Australia


I am searching for people within the Adelaide area to cover the city and suburbs, including the Hills area, for direct action by way of organising public speaking, meetings, handouts etc. Basically ANYTHING we could do to get the word out there so that we could topple this current government.

Anyone interested in joining me? Currently I have nobody to assist!!!!

New Positive Worldwide Government Is Already Underway (Tony Wicks)

The question as to what can we do about the political system in Australia, and in fact the whole world, is already well in hand as far as I can see. However, the normally requested 'proof' of this has not yet come forward for non-intuitive people.

I refer to the NESARA Act or Reformation Act, which although initially is to be 'officially' announced in the USA, will transform politics and our fear-based society into a bright new direction. More at (this does not give the whole story, but is closer to 'truth' than the disinformation on the .org and .net sites). There is also a larger picture here which takes into account an enormous spiritual (not religious) and beyond-global aspect, but I don't wish to stretch your minds that far yet, although we should experience incredible information before the end of 2004.

If you do not resonate with this material, that is OK, but don't throw it out, just put it aside. You may want to refer back to it in the n

One that slipped through the cracks... ()

Very belated apologies to the Democrats - we overlooked this PR release last week, which is very bad form considering the NHJ! slogan in its current political mode can more properly be traced to them. (Personally, I like 'The Lie Detectors' as both party tagline and very accurate job description, anyway).

Democrats launch

Shannon Noll? Never heard of him... ()

NHJ! guest shit-stir-n' picker Macksville Mart Richardson fires up his six string:

Hi Guys,

Love your NHJ project...keep up the great work. This 'not happy' country hick has written a protest's called 'George and Johnny' and you might get a laugh out of it.

Click this link to listen.

Best regards, Martin

Who says the devil gets all the best tunes?

NHJ stickers and John Howard posters (CILLA TEY)

I have just stuck my first NHJ sticker on a John Howard poster in High St Penrith! I was inspired by Margo when she said in Springwood that it would be a fantastic sight to see a NHJ sticker on every John Howard poster in Bennelong. I urge everyone to carry NHJ stickers with them. You never know when you will chance upon a Howard, Downer, Abbott, Costello or Ruddock poster!

Another NHJ! merchandise reminder ()

Just to remind all NHJ! book/site readers - we're now out of free stickers, alas. All further merchandising enquiries should go to the John Valder-run Not Happy John Campaign Website.

T-shirts, carry-bags and stickers available here, or email John's campaign here, or write to 'NHJ Campaign', PO Box 735, Epping, NSW, 1710. T-shirts cost $23 inc. postage and are available in all sizes. Stickers are $10 for 20. Carry-bags $10. All plus postage. The campaign office no. is 02-99296818.

Now that the campaign proper has begun, keep in mind the unavoidable 'practical' delineation between the many various seat-specific political fights now shifting into gear, and the overarching 'defend our democracy' theme of this website, which was launched by MK/Penguin to help promote the ideas behind her book, to canvas your ideas, and i

Another NHJ! merchandise reminder (Jack Robertson)

Just to remind all NHJ! book/site readers - we're now out of free stickers, alas. All further merchandising enquiries should go to the John Valder-run Not Happy John Campaign Website.

T-shirts, carry-bags and stickers available here, or email John's campaign here, or write to 'NHJ Campaign', PO Box 735, Epping, NSW, 1710. T-shirts cost $23 inc. postage and are available in all sizes. Stickers are $10 for 20. Carry-bags $10. All plus postage. The campaign office no. is 02-99296818.

Now that the campaign proper has begun, keep in mind the unavoidable 'practical' delineation between the many various seat-specific political fights now shifting into gear, and the overarching 'defend our democracy' theme of this website, which was launched by MK/Penguin to help promote the ideas behind her book, to canvas your ideas, and i

NHJ is kicking (record) goals ()

With the election now nearly five weeks away, today's Media section in The Australian shows that online political activism is alive and well in Australia. And this Not Happy John! website is setting a few goals of its own (and the Liberal Party can't be too happy with their (sorry) web presence!) Thanks for your continued support.

Traffic builds on election hit meter

Sally Jackson

A FEW voters, mainly left-leaning ones, are turning to the internet for information on the federal election campaign, but not many, judging by website traffic figures from Hitwise. Visits to political websites almost doubled after Prime Minister John Howard announced the October 9 poll date on Sunday. However, this was off an exceedingly low base, with visits to sites in the political category that day accounting for just 0.153 per cent of all visits to the roughly 450,000 Australian websites that Hitwise tracks, up from 0.08 per cent the weekend earlier.


Pinpointing my discomfort with Howard (Cecile Sartori in Carseldine, Qld)

I eventually got my hands on your book 'Not Happy, John'. I had been frustrated and angry for many years with John Howard and his 'yes men' government. In some cases, I knew the reasons for my anger and frustration (eg Tampa, Iraq) but generally could not 'put my finger' on it. I just knew there was something rotten about John Howard and the way he was 'leading' this country. I thought he was a fake and could not believe Australians seem to think his lies and deceits were 'normal'.

In your book you articulated and expressed what many of us were feeling but couldn't quite put into words. It's a pity your book can't be compulsory reading (I forgot we were a democracy) for those complacent and apathetic Australians who have made an art form of that old saying - 'she'll be right mate'. For nothing will ever 'be right' again in this country thanks to John Howard.

PS: After reading your book I now know why my letters to The Australian are never printed.

Concurrence with 'No Difference Between the Big Two' by E. Schmid of 20 August 2004 (John W. Clarkson)

E. Schmid is correct in saying that the big two are just as powerful as one another, in their own ways. Their similarities extend to the enforcement of individual MP's being forced to vote according to 'the party line'.

When I started to vote, I voted for Menzies simply because he actually permitted all members to vote according to their conscience and for the best interests of their electorate. In other words, he maintained a trust that as members of the Menzies government, they would be conservative in nature, but still having the freedom to vote for their electorate.

For as long as I can remember, when a Labor member arrives on the Back bench for the first time, he/she is forced to sign a pledge ALWAYS to vote for the party line.

Margo consistently quotes from Menzies famous 1942 speech, and rightly so, for he was probably the last PM to strictly follow the Westminster Act in Parliament, and oblige all his members to follow Queen's Regulations.

What to do with my $2 vote? (Elizabeth McKenzie)

I am a seventy year old female Australian citizen living in Canberra. I have retired from one career and I am now working part-time in a completely different field of work, so I am still quite active and out in the world. I really enjoyed your book and appreciate the research you have put into your arguments. The book provides me with an evidentiary basis for my intuitive beliefs that all is not well in our democracy. You have given me the details about John Howard's government and leadership style that have really bugged me in the past and I am really cross that we have let him get away with this.

I enjoyed your suggestions at the end of the book and I am reflecting on what I can do to act postively to change things that are within my zone of control. At least I can soon begin with my $2 vote!

Remember me? (Claire Austin)

Margo, you might remember me from your childhood. I was that annoying friend from the backwaters of Dalby - Claire Evans/ Taylor. Your mother Jann alerted us to your book which I immediately rushed out to buy as the title immediately resonated with our feelings on the matter. As one of those who have been grumbling for years but felt powerless to change what was happening, I was moved to protest along with all the others in Brisbane over being forced into war. Your book has definitely inspired me to do whatever I can to claw back the shafts of our poor democracy before it slips forever from our grasp. Thanks.

Margo: I sure do remember you. And we never talked about politics! Thank you, Claire.

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