Friday 20th of September 2024


Surreal Dog on Tuckerbox Flys Past at 110km/hr ()

Earlier today, while listening to retro 80's hits on a Wagga Wagga radio station, I sped by the Dog on the Tuckerbox just outside Gundagai. It even has its own exit on the Hume Freeway. I always thought the Dog was in the town. Neither the Dog nor the town alone were sufficient enough to attract me. Had they both been in exactly the same place, I would have stopped. I'm in Albury tonight, en-route to Melbourne. My journey today started in safe Liberal territory on Sydney's North Shore. Before long, I was in the less safe Prime Ministerial seat of Bennelong. Later I was in Latham's Liverpool. All very exciting but the undoubted highlight of the trip thus far has been at least sighting the Dog on the Tuckerbox exit (if not the Dog itself).

The Dog on the Tuckerbox is safely located in Riverina, one of the coalition's safest seats. On the other side of the ACT though is the classic bellwether seat of Eden-Monaro. It's held by the Liberal Party with a margin of just 1.7

Wake up Australia! (Carmen Burnet)

Thankyou Margo & contributors!

I have just read Not Happy John!. I was never duped by the 'weapons of mass destruction' lies about Iraq and it has shocked me that so many people were sucked in by Howard's propaganda. This book exposes many, many lies and deceptions committed in the name of the Liberal tradition.

Not Happy John! is inspiring, provocative and refreshing. I love the honesty and the openness of the contributors. It is political commentary with guts that I haven't seen for a long time. I hope that this will help Australians wake up to the importance of a healthy democracy. Let's work together to replace the Howard government with a truly democratic people's government.

This book should be compulsory reading ! (Robert Flemming)

I have been very disturbed for a long time over what is happening in this wonderful country. We are losing our freedom and our dignity. Government departments and the public service is expanding at the speed of light. Getting prompt service is as ancient as dinosaurs. A good percentage of these government employees are police persons in some way or another employed by us to make sure we dont get into any mischief. Every time a new law is passed a new department is created to enforce it. Local councils are getting bigger and more dominant and more unwieldy. We are a relatively small country, population wise, and yet we have a massive government more suited to a population of 100 million or more. It is so sad. Australia used to be a wonderful counrty to live in. Now we are plagued by crime, high divorce rate, high suicide rate, high unemployment rate (I don't believe the publicised figures) just like America. Why on earth do we follow the Americans in everything. What is

Crazies running this country ! (Kathy Charlesworth)

Not Happy, John'.... At long last someone has had the guts to pull it all together and slam it on the kitchen table!

Margo Kingston's probing finger has to land somewhere where it hurts this time, before it's too late and all of our kids have left the country in either uniforms or baggies to escape the crazies running this country.

Sadly, when this nightmare is finally over, HE will simply retire to Burbs, dig out his fluffy brown slippers, cardigan, regrow his eyebrows and fade into the Westminister carpet...totally oblivious as to what it has morally cost this great country....

By the way Margo, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia our full Aboriginal Elders call him...'him that liar-man, we file his liar letters in rubbish bin'.

Brilliant concept Margo,

Go girl go, we are all behind you!

Sincerely Kathy Charlesworth, Fremantle, Western Australia.

A cry for help: please cross the desert and help WA! (Jack H Smit)

A cry for help, folks, all the way from WA.

People complain that 'the campaign is dead' here in WA, and it makes me feel sick to the core, because no less than EIGHT Liberals hold the seats here in the West, and not a word is heard about them; most of them are 'We Are Very Happy John!' footsoldiers and disciples of The Lying Guru. Wilson 'Ironbar' Tuckey, happy to vilify both indigenous people and refugees, Daryl Williams, and so on - doesn't it make you cringe? The only one that should keep her seat is Judy Moylan - she's happy to tell folks she refused to vote when the TAMPA Bills were pushed through parliament, and she's an Iraq War dissenter.

Please, please, please. Cross the desert with a delegation of the Not Happy John! campaign, and come over and help. We will help organise, publish, push the media - because we need you!!!!

Here they are, the 'We Are Very Happy John!' team:

Canning (Don Randall) Marginal Liberal
Curtin (Julie Bishop) Safe

Let's google Johnny out of power! (james hardy)

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Why has it taken so long for Howard and Co to finally feel the heat? More power to you Margo for taking the fight right to Howard.

I am continually amazed that up until now he seems to have escaped scott free. I firmly believe in Karma and that what goes around, comes around .... on that basis Howard has a a whole lot coming his way. As Bush might say . . . Bring it on!

It is fantasic to see that Johnny is starting to get spooked. Looks increasing like a rabbit caught in the head lights and with no where to run. ('Why won't people believe me?')

Together we must all help keep the heat up. If all of your supporters did just one little thing each day, such as a letter to a local paper or sending a sticker to known swinging voters, we would all be so much closer to a Howard free government.

I just did a search on Google and hit on an ide

Democracy Dying In Front Of Our Eyes (Peter Peridis)

WEDNESDAY 25TH AUGUST 2004 Does John Howard know which country he is Prime Minister of? Today in The Advertiser (South Australia), page 19, aprot pote David Hicks

More publicity for availability of car stickers (Gerry Binder)

How about an item on the HOME page about how/where to get car stickers?

Perhaps an accessible database of contact details of 'stockists' of your stickers?

E.g. I got 60 from Antony, and gave 50 of them to my local Labor candidate Mark Ptolomy at Hazelbrook, NSW.

My point is: Maximise access to people who hold stocks of stickers.

Go Girl, Margo !!!!

NHJ (AL): Hi Gerry, thanks for your message. The best way to get stickers is writing to our email address: [email protected]. We're sending out stickers daily to numerous people around the country. Equally, contact the offices of John Valder in Sydney - 02-99296818. And if people want to tell us or show us how they've used the stickers, please do let us know.

Plucky Neglected Fundraiser Seeks Limelight to Help Fight Democratic Grandstander ()

NSW Liberal Party man-of-mystery and Corporate-Toucher-in-Chief Michael Yabsley reckons John Valder's snowballing campaign is a case of the old limelight deprivations. Last night's 7.30 Report on JV's campaign launch revealed that:

HEATHER EWART: Still, a former federal president of the Liberal Party criticising the PM can't expect to get off scot-free. The Howard Government has been coy to date about publicly attacking John Valder or Brian Deegan. But now former NSW Liberal minister Michael Yabsley has become its willing spokesman against Valder.
MICHAEL YABSLEY, FMR NSW MINISTER: I basically expressed my disgust at what he has done in terms of the assault that he's delivered against John Howard and the Federal Government. I think there are many people, I think the vast majority of people in the Liberal Party, feel that way.
HEATHER EWART: Late last week, Michael Yabsley fired off a fax to John V

Additonal Thoughts (Peter Peridis)

Not Happy, John is a powerful read. I find it quite a horror story and so do many of my friends and family members. It

Howard - liar liar (james hardy)

Liar Liar pants on fire!

The question is why has it taken so long for Howard and Co to start to feel the heat?

FINALLY with publications like your own the facts are starting to come home to roost.

This, much like Nixon, will be Howards lasting legacy ... that we have much to lose when people in power are not held accountable for what they say and what they do.

Not Happy John Stickers (james hardy)

I saw on Sunday the story on JOHN VALDER and his Not Happy John stickers. I know that he is not directly related to you and this site, however that got me thinking about some sort of innovative direct action we can all participate in.

What about a photo competition where people send in pictures of these stickers on all of the institutions Howard has attacked and underminded.

Such as bulk billing clinics, military cars and trucks, and even better planes, ships and tanks!, government cars, public service offices such as defence. Even the detention centres.

A weekly prize would help generate interest and encourage supporters to go that extra mile to get a good shot. Love to see one on Costello's bumper or Alan Jones car.

It would garantee some great placement in the mainstream media and help keep the issue alive.

Not sure if you have John's (Valder NOT Howard's!!) email address but would appreciate if you could forward this onto him as well, i

Angus & Robertson Bookshops are stocking NHJ (Sally Chilvers)

Hi I am the franchise owner of Angus & Robertson Manly and was concerned to read that perhaps our company stores were not stocking NHJ. After investigation I find this is not the case. Of A&Rs 160 stores about 60 are franchises. A&R corporate are stocking the book and have sold over 2000 copies. The franchisees do indeed have the choice of what they keep in stock and we at Manly proudly sell NHJ. The only time we did not have stock was when the publisher unfortunately ran out and we had to wait for another print run. It is now back in the window and in many other prominent spots throughout the shop and we have many customers eagerly awaiting Margo's event with us coming up on September 15 where she will be our guest in discussion with Dr Peter Macdonald - Independent Mayor of Manly.

Event with Margo Kingston (Sally Chilvers)

Angus & Robertson Manly is proud to present Margo Kingston in conversation with Dr Peter Macdonald, Independent Mayor of Manly.

WHEN: Wednesday September 15, 6.30 for 7pm.

WHERE: Manly 16ft Skiff Club, Corner East Esplanade and Stuart Streets Manly.

COST $11 inc GST. BOOKINGS are essential as seats are limited, please phone 02 9976 3188 for tickets.

Australia on the road to fascism and other such news... ()

We're living in pre-fascist times, argues MK. Gerard Henderson, supporter of the status quo and ruffler of even fewer feathers, says not.

Henderson appears unmoved, unwilling or ignorant of the profound changes occurring under the watchful eye of John Howard. Gay marriage laws, illegally taking us into Iraq and treatment of asylum seekers are but some examples. The comparison is not with Hitler or Mussolini, but rather with newly created powers in the post 9/11 world, not least of which is terrifyingly repressive so-called anti-terrorism laws.

Then again, what do we expect from a former adviser to Howard himself?

And in other news...

As Hollywood star Matt Damon lands in Australia, news emerges that, America's premiere online activism force, will be launching a series of advertisements tom

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