Friday 20th of September 2024


funny, imaginative blog 'written by' john howard (alex henderson) I'm not pretending to have written this, I just thought it was funny enough for sharing. There are entries stretching all the way back to mid 2001. It's fun to see/hear an alternative view of what John Howard just might be thinking.

WARNING- may offend some readers

GP (Dr Fiona Bisshop)

Dear Margo, thankyou for having the determination to write this book. I finally feel as though I have an understanding of what really goes on in Canberra, and unfortunately it seems to have very little to do with the governing of the country and a lot to do with people in power desperately striving to increase their wealth and power base.

I would like to make the point that I think that a vital ingredient to building a firm democracy is educating our youth as to what it really means. My education (private Catholic school) was sadly lacking in this regard - I vaguely remember a lesson back there somewhere, but I am sorry to say that I spent most of my voting life not really sure about what the difference is between the House of Reps and the Senate, and not really caring either. If you don't know how a democracy is supposed to work, how will you notice when it starts to be dismantled?

There must be a way to educate young people and at the same time generate enthusiasm

A very good book (Jeff Payne)

Thanks for the book Margo - I enjoyed reading it and found it a powerful and compelling read.

Ever since he was treasurer under Fraser, Howard has been known as a liar and someone who will do whatever it takes to acheive his own ends - this is not something new. Now, however he has, through his unquestioning following of the half wit in the White House, put us all at peril.

And it's on . . ()

This is it then. Drop everything not essential to life because we need all hands on deck. This is a mobilisation of decent human beings to end an ugly era. People have alluded to Whitlam's 'It's Time' campaign to describe the exent and the fervour of this mobilisation, but I think we have something before us today which is at once more desperate and more interesting.

More desperate because there is far more at stake. If the people of Australia actually vote for this government again, ignorance will be no cover - we will be consciously, popularly, voting for our country to move in the wrong direction. It is a direction social democracys have taken before, and the popular ideology behind it is simple - you need ruthless, distant, elitist government in order for the trains to run on time. To defeat Howard, and the Howards of the future, at heart is the need to defeat this ideology.

This mobilisation is more interesting and more hopeful because unlike, 'It's Time',

NHJ! in Wentworth (Alison Shames)

I live in the 'Liberal' seat of Wentworth. Peter King indicates that he will run as an Independent against Turnbull and the rest. Our only hope of swinging Wentworth is to build a strong candidate, so that Turnbull, the ALP and King split the vote and the election is decided by preferences. I want to get involved and oust Howard. My political beliefs lie with the Greens. But building support for the Greens will not swing the seat, and building support for King might. Do I help King in his campaign? What about starting a NHJ! campaign in Wentworth? Encourage people to vote for anyone but Turnbull, and preference him last. King says that he will not be a formal part of NHJ! Is anyone interested in doing a bit of NHJ! campaigning in Wentworth to swing this seat?

Direct Action in Melbourne Marginals (Michelle Wright)

We are a small group of determined friends who are interested in setting up information tables in Marginal Melbourne (and other Victorian) seats under the Not Happy John and Defeat John Howard banners. We would love to hear from others who would like to join with us in an organised fashion. We are not associated with any political party.

Very happy John (Tom Kelsey)

Very Happy John to now tell you how, in the most demonstrable manner, how unhappy I have been with you over so many years. Goodbye and good riddance - history will be most unkind about you

Product info: (Jane Kennedy)

Was just wondering where I might be able to get some of those bumper stickers from??

Thanks (Mario Bucetti)

Thank You Margo. I am so happy that we have people like you and Phillip Adams exposing the lies and deception.

Catch Cries (Tony O Hanlon)

I just love the two new catch cries seen in Woy Woy.

A' Vote for Howard is a Vote for Bush'.

and 'Howard by name Coward by nature'.

Experienced snake milkers are as rare as hen's teeth ()

We're approaching snake bite season. It has been a dry winter and there's going to be a lot of angry snakes coming out of hibernation. Now would be a good time to go into the anti-venom business but to do so you need experienced snake milkers and they're as rare as hen's teeth. That's the hard part. You can't make the anti-venom unless you collect the venom itself. People say we should take the venom out of the public debate in Australian politics. I'm not so sure about that. I've been bitten* and I reckon it's a case of once bitten twice shy. As one who has been bitten, I'd now like to bite back!

Oh and by the way, what is all this nonsense about the way elections are called in this country? Howard's the snake charmer. He plays a ridiculous flute, trying to mesmerise us cobras, the voters. We play along, half mesmerised but coldly calculating in our little serpent-like brains. Eventually, the music will stop, the election will be called and that's when we BITE.

Pesky dacquiri-slurpin' professional soldiers, at home and abroad ()

Oh dear me, Arthur.

Meanwhile...I wonder who we higgerant, bored, 'bilious Howard-hating' 'mob' of voting scum (who so want to 'move on' from Kids Overboard, 'cos anyhow youse look at it, good ol' Honest John stopped them boats comin', huh)...will be moved to believe in this other developing uniform v. suit truth-telling head-to-head?:

The Minister for Defence, Robert Hill, has denied he blocked an Australian military lawyer from being interviewed by a US investigation into the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. But a US Army spokesman told ABC

Not Happy John.... I couldnt put it down....Thank God for Margo Kingston (Trish Gleeson)

Margo, I must thank you for your book Not Happy John. It has restored my faith in humanity that there are at least a few people around who are able to stand up and be counted on these intensely worrying issues.

In the past I was a fairly conservative person who tended to be a swinging voter depending on current issues. However, while John Howard holds the reigns I can no longer in good conscience vote for this evil man or his party. (If he doesnt have Alzheimer

A Way Forward (Sue Madex)

As a basically positive person who has been getting thoroughly disillusioned in recent years with Australian and global issues, I was inspired by your book. I especially loved that it finished on an upbeat, positive note and gave me some suggestions for things I could do (or websites to look up for further information) to make some sort of contribution as a citizen. Am now passing the book on to other members of my family. PS. Keeping this website going must be a full time job??

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