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the globalization of state terror .....‘The pre-emptive doctrine overturns the conclusions of the Nuremburg Tribunals that "War is the Supreme Crime" from which all the lesser crimes naturally flow. It elevates war to a viable form of foreign policy; an acceptable means of establishing one state's superiority over another. In the case of Iraq, where the theory was applied with the most appalling results; it has been exposed as a cruel facsimile of unprovoked aggression against a defenseless enemy. The horrific after-effects have been the destruction of Iraqi society, the death of over 100,000 civilians and an enduring conflict with no end in sight. These are the predictable consequences of a pernicious theory that glorifies force above all else.
White House Coming To Adelaide In November- Bush Sends Rumsfeld and CondaleezaUnder the "direction" of U.S. President Bush, Australia, South Korea, China, Japan and India will sign their own energy agreement in Adelaide with the U.S. ministers at the end of this year. Interviewd from Laos on Adelaide ABC Radio this morning, Mr Downer, said that the meeting was intended to coincide with a meeting between Rumsfeld, Rice, Hill and himself. On the Alternative-To-Kyoto energy meeting, Mr Downer said that "the focus of it will be on technology, and how we are going to collaborate with it." "Of course, they will need access to energy resources" he said.
enemy of state .....Well, the point of view of the ‘light unto nations’ is an interesting appropriation of a religious Jewish point of view taken by the secular Zionist movement in order to convince a lot of European powers, to support a colonialist project in the midst of the Arab world. So you needed this image, I think first of all in order to win international legitimacy.
boys own antics in baghdad .....‘Since the London bombings, the elected leaders of nations that invaded Iraq are sinking deeper into the swamp, grinning wildly as they go, taking our freedoms with them.
Long used to lying to their own citizens, George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard, are also lying to themselves. How can it be claimed that the upsurge in terrorism is unrelated to our presence in Iraq?
burnt by the sun .....‘Lieutenant Colonel Lance Collins is one of the army’s top intelligence analysts.
Last year he emerged as the central figure in a major unfolding controversy about the quality of Australia’s overseas intelligence - and an alleged culture of cover-up, bullying and recrimination in the defence Force and beyond.
on protecting our values .....The Editor Sydney Morning Herald July 26, 2005
Your editorial (‘The death of Mr de Menzes’, Herald, July 26) could be construed as support for the introduction a ‘shoot to kill policy’ for law enforcement officers, arguing that it may justified as a policy ‘of last resort’ in these perilous times.
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