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BlogsThe inquisition was in no hurry...
Welcome president Bush
Hurray for a moronic president!
What are the true American intentions in the middle east?
Considering the Schizophrenic porkies which the war in Iraq was sold to us with, it is difficult to know with precision the true and complex American intentions in the entire Middle East. We had the weapons of mass destruction furphy, we had the regime change banter we were not really advocating, we had the freedom argument and the war on terrorism crusade — know as the war on terror from the start — and we had the axis of evil, in which good has to triumph over bad....
I would be inclined to believe that the American administration would prefer a stable Middle East that would be a partner in commerce and democratic intent, in which Israel would have pride of place, but other countries in the region would also be looked after and develop in harmony.
US Government holds the keys to all internet domainsRecently, the US decided not to hand over the ICANN activities to the independent body. They cite 'security and stability' as their reasons for retaining control of the main Internet root servers. Under these conditions, the US could 'remove' any tld they didn't like and stop access to those sites. Whole domains (eg .org) could be removed. If the US continues to hold control, the effects in five years time may be disastrous for independent thinker/activists who use the web for grass roots democratic purposes. Yikes.
independence dayToday, more than 1,000 guests, including many prominent Australian politicians, diplomats, business people & celebrities, will attend the US Embassy in Canberra, to join in America’s 229th Independence Day celebrations.
Arrangements have been made to hand each guest a copy of the following brochure, as they arrive.
The Big Script... Adelaide and the White House 2008?It's clear now that the Doug Wood story, which was being manipulated to portray U.S. / Australian co-operation, has been kidnapped by George Bush to improve his approval ratings Months, if not years, of hard work by Australian spin-doctors has become a couple of paragraphs in U.S. media to prove that Americans are successfully "teaching Iraqis to fight their own war", and the story has already disappeared from the international media "radar". At the the same time, in spite of his portrayal as a hero by the media men of Defence and Foreign affairs, Wood's opportunism led him to be treated with cynicism and and suspicion by the Australian public.... we won't be seeing him on TV selling beer and lamb roast, and a handshake with the Prime Minister is looking less likely.
The picture that sent Bush bananas
Petrol fumes and CJD?
Since 1994, Gus Leonisky has been interested by the CJD research and has followed many trails including that of a farmer who had a theory on BSE, went on to get a University degree and organised at his own expense some research programmes on the subject.
masters of incompetenceIn the aftermath of September 11, George Bush declared his ‘war on terror’.
The self-anointed nemesis of the world’s ‘evil-doers’ then led the crusade to bomb Afghanistan back to the stone-age & record opium production, before criminally conspiring to unleash the dogs of war on the people of Iraq.
a tale of two Georges100 years ago, on June 25, author & journalist George Orwell was born .....
TOM CRUISE: "Before I was a Scientologist, I never agreed with psychiatry.
And when I started studying the history of psychiatry, I understood more and more why I didn't believe in psychology ... And I know that psychiatry is a pseudo science."
Minister for bigheads with a hole in it
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