Tuesday 17th of September 2024


justice betrayed

A stated belief of the Liberal Party is: “We believe in a just & humane society in which the importance of the family and the rule of law & justice is maintained.

Australia's Future Civil Liberty.....How We Wll Live

The  line on  the paper shouted from the shelf... "The most important civil liberty I have, and you have, is to stay alive and to be free from violence and death," said Australia's Prime Minister.
   It would be wise to look at these words from all angles..  Fair enough to suggest that society may need to make cultural compromises,   But to infer that we need to accept what happens without question in the faith that we are thereby being kept alive suggests that we are not going to like what we are going to be told by our would-be cultural messiahs

barbarians at the gates .....

‘In the months before he ordered the invasion of Iraq, George Bush & his senior officials spoke of preserving Iraq's "patrimony" for the Iraqi people.  


At a time when talking about Iraqi oil was taboo, what he meant by patrimony was exactly that - Iraqi oil.


In their "joint statement on Iraq's future" of April 8, 2003, George Bush & Tony Blair declared: "We reaffirm our commitment to protect Iraq's natural resources, as the patrimony of the people of Iraq, which should be used only for their benefit

the rule of law takes to the jungle .....

‘Michael Mandel’s How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage, and Crimes Against Humanity is my favorite book of 2003-2004. (Numbers two and three are Chomsky’s Hegemony or Survival and Frank Ackerman’s and Lisa Heinzerling’s Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing.)


Mandel’s book is a scholarly, but eminently readable and completely convincing demonstration that the U.S. wars against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and the institutional apparatus that has given them legal support, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY, Tribunal) and the UN, have made a travesty of the law and are returning the world to the law of the jungle.’ 

the terrible legacy of the man who failed the world .....

‘So the old man will be buried this afternoon on the edge of the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in a desert graveyard of no memorials.


The strict Wahhabi tradition - to which, of course, that far more famous Saudi, Osama bin Laden, belongs - demands no statues, no gravestones, no slabs. So Fahd will be laid in the desert sand, his head touching the earth, covered over and left for the after-life. Not a single stone will mark his place.

A Parable of Activism- Remember On Hiroshima Day

A couple of years ago I was told that Prime Minister Howard was making an unprogrammed visit to Adelaide's Aboriginal Culture Centre, Tandanya.  

My idea was to gather some musos and provide some background music for the news footage- fiddles, didgeridoos, Give Peace a Chance.. that sort of thing.

NOWAR-SA put up a call on their websites, and one commercial radio station did a live-to air on the morning.

After the "al fresco protest" photo was taken for the Advertiser, we all went out the front to wait for the PM.

As Howard's car pulled up, somebody across the road threw eggs, which struck the vehicle.  Security suddenly became much tighter.

ordinary fascism .....

The Lord Chancellor told BBC News under new laws people “attacking the values of the West

the globalization of state terror .....

‘The pre-emptive doctrine overturns the conclusions of the Nuremburg Tribunals that "War is the Supreme Crime" from which all the lesser crimes naturally flow. It elevates war to a viable form of foreign policy; an acceptable means of establishing one state's superiority over another. In the case of Iraq, where the theory was applied with the most appalling results; it has been exposed as a cruel facsimile of unprovoked aggression against a defenseless enemy. The horrific after-effects have been the destruction of Iraqi society, the death of over 100,000 civilians and an enduring conflict with no end in sight. These are the predictable consequences of a pernicious theory that glorifies force above all else. 

White House Coming To Adelaide In November- Bush Sends Rumsfeld and Condaleeza

Under the "direction" of U.S. President Bush, Australia, South Korea, China, Japan and India will sign their own energy agreement in Adelaide with the U.S. ministers at the end of this year.

Interviewd from Laos on Adelaide ABC Radio this morning, Mr Downer, said that the meeting was intended to coincide with a meeting between Rumsfeld, Rice, Hill and himself.

On the Alternative-To-Kyoto energy meeting, Mr Downer said that "the focus of it will be on technology, and how we are going to collaborate with it."

"Of course, they will need access to energy resources" he said. 

enemy of state .....

Well, the point of view of the ‘light unto nations’ is an interesting appropriation of a religious Jewish point of view taken by the secular Zionist movement in order to convince a lot of European powers, to support a colonialist project in the midst of the Arab world. So you needed this image, I think first of all in order to win international legitimacy.

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