Sunday 8th of September 2024


Halliburton Takes Over

Assembled by S.A. Minister For Infrastructure, Patrick Conlon, the five member group to plot the state's infrastructure future include former KBR International Vice President for Infrastructure and head of Asia-Pacific Operations, Andrew Fletcher, as its head and the owner of a KBR acquired company, Malcolm Kinnaird, as a participant. 

You can sense a possible conflict of interest here... in the same manner that U.S. Vice President Cheny needs to distance himself from his former employer, Kinnaird and Fletcher will need to publically ensure that they are fulfilling their obligations to the state and not the corporation.

thank god for the good guys .....

Charges of prisoner abuse at Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib notwithstanding, a top US Republican Senator has pride in the US prison system, calling it the best managed in the world.


’It's very difficult to run a perfect prison anywhere, but the United States does that better than any other country in the world’, Senate Republican Majority Whip Mitch McConnell said during his appearance on CNN's ‘Late Edition’ program last month.

WAG THE DOUG- An Eyewitness Bloug

In the tradition of "French Lieutenant's Woman, a story within a story, by the time the movie comes out.

The scenes have unfurled in such a manner that they could almost be stuck to the silver screen unedited, except for Downer being one script draft behind. 

on emperor's old clothes

Both Colin Powell, US Secretary of State & Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's closest adviser, made clear before September 11, 2001 that Saddam Hussein was no threat - to America, Europe or the Middle East.

An Adelaide Financial Food Chain Puzzle

A little puzzle that shouldn't take more than half an hour. You nay find yourself suprised at the answer you find.

The result can be considered as a useful template to extrapolate missing parts of other  incomplete pictures

This is as close to making a Rosetta Stone as I'll ever get.

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