Tuesday 17th of September 2024


boys own antics in baghdad .....

‘Since the London bombings, the elected leaders of nations that invaded Iraq are sinking deeper into the swamp, grinning wildly as they go, taking our freedoms with them.


Long used to lying to their own citizens, George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard, are also lying to themselves. How can it be claimed that the upsurge in terrorism is unrelated to our presence in Iraq?

burnt by the sun .....

‘Lieutenant Colonel Lance Collins is one of the army’s top intelligence analysts.


Last year he emerged as the central figure in a major unfolding controversy about the quality of Australia’s overseas intelligence - and an alleged culture of cover-up, bullying and recrimination in the defence Force and beyond.

on protecting our values .....

The Editor

Sydney Morning Herald                                                              July 26, 2005




Your editorial (‘The death of Mr de Menzes’, Herald, July 26) could be construed as support for the introduction a ‘shoot to kill policy’ for law enforcement officers, arguing that it may justified as a policy ‘of last resort’ in these perilous times.

Bush, Blair & Howard: liars, fools & war criminals

How much more evidence is needed?


Before the invasion, Blair was warned by the Joint Intelligence Committee that "by far the greatest terrorist threat" to this country would be "heightened by military action against Iraq".

Cooking with gas?

Cooking with gas?

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