Tuesday 17th of September 2024


on militarism & the american empire .....

Why do they hate us?


Distinguished social scientist & public intellectual Chalmers Johnson, joins host Harry Kreisler for a conversation on the nature of the American Empire & its costs & consequences for the future of American democracy & power in the world, including the ‘blowback’ from America’s secret foreign policy.

Australia And US As One- letter reprint from Adelaide Advertiser Thursday 21/7/ 05, Corp Defamation Laws 28/7/05

Rupert Murdoch is right.  Australia is as one with America.  We act on
U.S. advice in our forieign policy, our international trade schemes, our control of our natural resources, and the co-ordination of our

the day the american republic died .....

‘The fact that Bush would engage so openly in such murderous cynicism was a telling revelation: it showed, or rather confirmed, that America was being led by a brutal, mocking, heedless Caligula, a spoiled, shallow, vain & selfish fool, a moral psychopath incapable of ordinary human empathy.

american terror

‘Iran has long been a focus of the small clique of "global dominationists" - led by Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney and their acolytes - who engineered the invasion of Iraq.


This group is determined to "whack Iran", as one insider put it & they're not at all discouraged by the debacle in Iraq; indeed, to them it's a rousing success. Their first objective - openly stated years ago, before Bush took office - was the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime & the planting of a US "military footprint" in Iraq. This has now been done.

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