Friday 10th of January 2025


on emperor's old clothes

Both Colin Powell, US Secretary of State & Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's closest adviser, made clear before September 11, 2001 that Saddam Hussein was no threat - to America, Europe or the Middle East.

An Adelaide Financial Food Chain Puzzle

A little puzzle that shouldn't take more than half an hour. You nay find yourself suprised at the answer you find.

The result can be considered as a useful template to extrapolate missing parts of other  incomplete pictures

This is as close to making a Rosetta Stone as I'll ever get.



hijacking catastrophe .....

'Hijacking Catastrophe describes the cost of empire in a way so comprehensive that it becomes clear that neo-conservatism, as a foreign policy guide, comes with a very real moral, political and financial garnishment of every American, and of American children yet unborn. The cost is shown not only as a current financial outlay or in lives unlived on the part of soldiers and marines, but in terms of an alarming debt burden, loss of domestic freedom, the growing and invasive state, a permanent tattering of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.’

The circus is in town

Ladies and gentlemen

The nuclear circus is in town!

Yes... after seeing the paltry effort on global warming on SBS last night, that showed a greenie turning into a yellow cake eater, I think it’s time to put a few facts straight:

All stats approx ± 5 % of ranges

in 2005 the world consumes 20 millions Gwh
in 1970 the world consumed 5.5 millions Gwh
an increase of 360 % in electricity consumption in 35 years

it is estimated that World Energy (electricity and other) demand will increase by 50 % by 2025 (20 years from now)
33 % in industrialised countries
91 % in developing countries

Halliburton in Adelaide - The Plot Thickens

I'm going to put these links up and try to make sense of them later, and any help would be appreciated.

In a response to an earlier blog TG Kerr made the suggestion that companies such as Halliburton may be creating work for themselves by creating projects and then submitting them for Public Private Partnerships with the Federal Government.

A good example would be KBR's development of the mouth of the Murray River.  Plans to create a Twin Lake artifIcial evaporation containment system from S.A.'s Lake Alexandrina which Cheney's Men admit won't keep the Murray mouth open) include construction of a 100 kilometre barrage. The concept is being recommended to councils near the lake by S.A. Premier Mike Rann.  The company has proposed it as a PPP... how many other projects are being tendened for by mulitnational companies' under the cloak of "Australian subsidiaries"?

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