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BlogsAll those in favour of lower wages say aye...
greater picture is frightfully weird indeed
As we are distracted from our daily grind by vacuous forms of entertainment, the subtext of which being manufactured for us, lurks below the surface of what passes for news and opinions, without our knowledge?
more on justice & the rule of lawCould you please confirm that your government will take the necessary steps to ensure that US servicemen charged with criminal offences under the laws of our country will, in future, be tried in our Courts under the terms of our criminal justice system, thereby reassuring the Australian people that your government’s professed respect for justice & the rule of law is genuine & not discretionary when it comes to citizens of the US breaking the laws of our country?
A great IR masterpiss in the making
A very unfunny clown
From the BBC
"Bush vows to defeat Iraqi rebels
Bush said the US was laying the foundation for peace in the world
US President George W Bush has insisted that the "violent and ruthless" insurgency in Iraq will be defeated.
After talks in Washington with Iraqi PM Ibrahim Jaafari, Mr Bush said the political progress that was being made in the country would lead to victory.
He said US troops would eventually withdraw "with honour", but declined to set a timetable for withdrawal.
His comments came after six US troops were killed in a suicide car bombing in the Iraqi city of Falluja. "
the law has an even bigger ass .....Strange notions of justice abound these days.
Di Fingleton, the ex Chief Magistrate of QLD, claims ‘that justice has been done’ as a consequence of her having won her High Court appeal.
time to walk the talkDear Mr Howard, You have always fostered an image of care & concern for the members of our Armed Services, whether through speeches, fleeting visits to serving units overseas or by taking centre stage at Gallipolli.
A heartfelt thank you
Halliburton Takes OverAssembled by S.A. Minister For Infrastructure, Patrick Conlon, the five member group to plot the state's infrastructure future include former KBR International Vice President for Infrastructure and head of Asia-Pacific Operations, Andrew Fletcher, as its head and the owner of a KBR acquired company, Malcolm Kinnaird, as a participant. You can sense a possible conflict of interest here... in the same manner that U.S. Vice President Cheny needs to distance himself from his former employer, Kinnaird and Fletcher will need to publically ensure that they are fulfilling their obligations to the state and not the corporation.
Lucky Dougie and Aussie cocky
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