Thursday 9th of January 2025


on the value of busking .....

So Bono & Bob Geldorf have welcomed the G7 decision to write-off US$40billion in debt owed by the world’s poorest nations (‘Debt deal just the beginning, says Geldorf’, Herald, June 13)?

on lying down with dogs .....

This month, General Pervez Musharraf, the military dictator of Pakistan, will visit Australia.


The good general is apparently visiting our haven of freedom & democracy to sign a ‘memorandum of understanding’ between Australia & Pakistan.


As there has been no announcement by the Howard government as the nature of the ‘memorandum’, its likely contents remain open to speculation.

wings of justice .....

Congressman John Conyers is the first recipient of the "Wings of Justice Award". "This guy's a Rocky for Constitutional Rights," we note in out citation.

media hares outwitted by political hounds .....

The international media ran hot & fast this week with claims that former US President, Jimmy Carter had called for the closure of Guantanamo Bay, following-up with reports that President George Bush would ‘consider’ that possibility.


On the back Bush’s noisy dissembling came today’s announcement by US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, confirming that Guantanamo Bay will NOT be closed.


A review of the original joint statement made by the Carter Center & Human Rights First demonstrates how easily the media hares are outwitted by the political hounds.

checking perceptions .....

Whether you prefer chardonnay, beer, bottled water or tennessee whiskey, you can now run a personal check on the contemporary settings of your ‘political compass’.

making white powder .....

The US has a vast and very expensive Homeland Security bureaucracy with nothing to do. There hasn’t been a terrorist attack in America since 2001. There have been a vast quantity of terror alerts, the purpose of which was to scare Americans into supporting an unnecessary, illegal & aggressive attack on Iraq.

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