Thursday 9th of January 2025


The selling of the war and other furphies

The Byzantine Generals

Whether Johnnee is aware of it or not, he is extremely clever... But my bet is that he knows...

Clever in the sense he is equipped with a natural ability to chameleon-like change the spots of his rhetoric yet achieve the same original desires: mesmerise the punter and catch the voters with a lash of the tongue and a puke of the lips...

He has an innate ability to solve the algorithms of politics... this great mystery of maintaining a straight face while telling a maximum amount of porkies and furphies, in so doing managing to keep his generals loyal to him, not so much because of the trustworthiness-or-bunkiness of the words but because of the “important

Open Letter to Steve Bracks, Premier Of Victoria

I share your sense of having participated in a foregone conclusion. Victoria tried hard to win the warships, but as long as the plans created by the Bush Administration and relayed by multinational defence and energy corporations to and through the Australian Federal Government continue on a predetermined implementation schedule, the whims of any State's comparitively tiny political muscle will only be considered in the form of providing crumbs and scraps left over from the main meal.

When your analysts review the paperwork regarding the contract procurement, if they place faces on the company names they will be suprised how few people are responsible for so much activity.

the law is seen as an ass

Something is sure crook in Tobruk ('What Hicks is missing', Herald, June 1)

Cover up covered up

When the prime minister rejects accusations from a former SAS officer that Australia's Defence Force was involved in a cover-up over a special forces operation in Afghanistan which ended with the deaths of 11 civilians, he added:
"I think the SAS is a fantastic unit of the Australian Defence Forces... Can I just make the general statement (he always asks permission to hit us in the guts with a generality that is cleverly associating a reasonable concept with total crap)... that we expect these incredibly well-trained and able men to undertake life-endangering missions in our name and on our behalf."

A call from Judi Moylan

Judi Moylan MP is overwhelmed with the amount of personalised and thoughtful messages of support from within and outside her electorate - more than 2500 now - and just twenty of these were expressing disapproval.

Decent advice from Carmen

Hi folks Check out Web Diary - Margo Kingston is on the ball in terms of the outcome of this morning's Libs/Nats party room meeting where the Georgiou/Moylan Bills were debated. Here's some pretty decent advice from Carmen Lawrence. I hope you can do your bit - if you haven't already. - Jack

Welcome To Adelaide: Defense Colony of America

Will defence dollars turn Adelaide into Heaven On Earth?

update from Democratic Audit of Australia

The latest update from the Democratic Audit of Australia team below.

Adelaide Wins Warship Contract

In what he described as a "monumental day in the State's history" , South Australian Premier Mike Rann has just announced that Adelaide's Australian Submarine Coporation has won the contract to build the three "Son of Star Wars" Air warfare destroyers.

Premier Rann said that when the news reached his office "we all shook hands and said 'mission accomplished'."

Mr Rann added that the contract had been signifigant in enticing "a whole lot" of defence-related companies to Adelaide's northern suburbs.

Companies involved in the contract include BAE, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and Halliburton/KBR.

London * New York * Baghdad * Sydney

News flash: twice as many arrested in Sydney...

Adelaide sexed-up for war

Reprinted from The Age, Letters Saturday 28/8/05

....After Dick Cheney set up Halliburton's Global Infrastructure Headquarters out in the suburbs and started to co-ordinate "services" at all levels of government, everybody very quickly learned to enjoy what they were meant to be doing.....

(Note to self: Before writing letters, have my first coffee).


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