Thursday 9th of January 2025


Morality raises its ugly head again

On his website, Mr Peter Faris QC says "we are at war with terror and militant Islam in the Middle East. We are at war with Islamic terror in our homeland ... "
A bit Nazi would you say?
... to pull out a fingernail of a terrorist in order to save a couple of million lives was morally right...

Vanstone's Ministerial Accountability

It's a tough cookie, running the Department of Immigration (DIMIA), and to be frank, the DIMIA foibles won't be over until The Fat Lady Sings.

the great game

The savage bloodbath engulfing the middle-east today can be traced directly to the mendacity of Great Britain in its dealings with the Arab peoples nearly a century ago.

Save the Republic!

Is this an ingenious use of framing or a lame resort to popular culture? I put the question because I am genuinely wondering. I have echoes of Liv Tyler asking, "Where is the ring-bearer?" Is this just a liberal version of escape?

Halliburton Houston AGM Protest, Australian Port Federalisation and Security

Exactly how close are Australian and American defence ties? In Adelaide an important U.S. Homeland Security consultant has been influential in the election campaign of the current Premier. His ideas may be the real ones behind the Federal siezure of contol of major Australian ports.

A passing thought.. are the Adelaide defence/resources machinations "the real deal" or a decoy?

NB: This blog has been incorporated into "Halliburton Down Under, Above and Beyond" which is now (kindly) linked from prominent international watchdog Halliburton Watch

Loosened cross-media ownership means more media bias – a tale from the 2004 election

It’s hard to find a better example of current problems of media bias & the implications of cross-media ownership than the case of the Herald Sun vs the Greens. This is not ‘news’ per se – it’s been covered for example in the minority non-Murdoch press. But as the Alan Ramsey article linked to below shows (read the last paragraph) , it's been a story attracting little interest overall, despite it's significance.

One of the most memorable media articles in the last Federal election was the Herald Sun spectacular "Greens Support Illegal Drugs" by Gerard McManus on August 31 2004. The article, loaded with emotive rhetoric, was an undisguised, virulent attack piece that made a plethora of damaging claims regarding Green Party policy. It was also almost entirely factually false.

Powerup and Your Democracy

Pegasus initiated a discussion on Powerup about options of Your Democracy and Powerup working together.

I'm hoping he doesn't mind that I didn't agree with his conclusions entirely, but I think there's some interesting issues raised about how we see ourselves as citizens/activists/whatever on the internet.

So below is an extract from my reply to Pegasus, so that we may discuss this here if we like, as well as on Powerup.

As I've said before, Powerup is the place to go for those Not-Happy-John!ers who feel that a new political party - some sort of 'party of independents' perhaps - is the way to go. Please don't take this to mean I don't think you should stop engaging in this site, or even vigorously arguing the case for developing a new political party. Your Democracy is for everybody.

The Democratic Audit of Australia

What could be more relevant to Your Democracy than the current ANU research program, the Democratic Audit of Australia? Running from 2002-2005, the aim of the audit in relation to Australian democracy is to:

"1) To make a major methodological contribution to the assessment of democracy...;

(2) To provide benchmarks for monitoring and international comparisons...; and

(3) To promote public debate over democratic issues—the Audit will contribute to a dialogue about the ways in which Australia’s democratic arrangements might be improved. With this in mind, the Program will over the next three years be communicating Audit findings through this web site and through discussion papers as well as through academic publishing."

Read on for more...

truth responds to power

“Senator [Coleman], in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right, and you turned out to be wrong. And 100,000 people have paid with their lives, 1,600 of them American soldiers, sent to their deaths on a pack of lies, 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies. If the world had listened to Kofi Annan, who's dismissal you demanded, if the world had listened, to President Chirac, who you want to paint as some kind of corrupt traitor, if the world had listened to me and the anti-war movement in Britain, we would not be in the disaster that we are in today. Senator, this is the mother of all smokescreens, you are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions of dollars of Iraq's wealth.

Canberra going to the dogs

Since the states and the the territories are run by Labor governments and the Federal government is only the resulting amalgam of the state's union declared in 1901, I would propose here that the states in a joint agreement declare independence forthwith and form a new federal body...

Young Lib Recommends, "Join the Greens"

Alex Hawk, the National President of the Young Liberals, wants to cull the wets from the flock, and send them to Greener pasture. On the latter point, I think he's right. The left of the ALP should do the same.

The government robbing us?

The government robbing us?

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