Wednesday 8th of January 2025


Did I ask you?

Did I asked you?


I'm keen for us to begin the development of Pollie-Watch with Senators. Senators are not only a smaller target for us to begin with than Lower House MPs, but in the coming political season they will be stategically paramount. With Howard only just controlling the Senate, every Senator's view is relevant, from issue to issue.

the law of silence .....

Can you imagine the BBC & other major broadcasters apologizing to a rogue regime which practices racism & ethnic cleansing; which has “effectively legalized the use of torture

apples and oranges

apples and oranges

There was movement at the station

for the word had passed around


. . . they now pump 9.5 million barrels per day and have a capacity of 11 million. They pledged last week to raise capacity to 12.5 or maybe 15 million barrels by 2009.



Chasing morality through porkies

It's like David versus Goliath... The small fellow can sometimes win....

Links, Democracy, The Net and This Site

We need to develop the software, the organisational infrastructure and technique, and at the same time the culture and etiquette of these online systems of civic activity. We need to find ways for freedom of expression to work with accountability and courtesy. We need to find ways for directionality and purpose to emerge from the chaos of open dialogue on an innumerability of issues and concerns. We need to find ways for there to be equity and access without sacrificing constitutional integrity to the whims of organised saboteurs or usurpers.

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