Wednesday 8th of January 2025


another letter to our prime minister for life .....


Well done.

It must be truly edifying to know that Weapons Of Mass Destruction have finally been found, not only in Iraq, but in Afghanistan as well.

the fear meme .....

Corrupt & squalid fear merchants schemed to keep the Cold War alive for two decades, before coming-up with a new, improved scam to prey on our fears: the endless War on Terror.

Bush, Blair & Howard have enhanced their political power by deceitfully capitalizing on this new fear meme. And so our second-rate political leaders, incapable of addressing the real global challenges that confront mankind, have morphed into spiritual warriors who will just keep us safe.

Chat Room

It's been suggested that we have a regular time for the Chat Room. It certainly doesn't get used much, and until we get a good Instant Messenger system it's the only way we can actually touch base with one another.

To start I'm making a habit of being in the chatbox when I'm on line so people can come and say 'hi'.

Also, to start with, I'll start tonight and commit to being there every Tuesday from about 6.30pm. Please join us.

a letter to our prime minister for life .....

I refer to your press release of May 8, 2005 regarding the 60th anniversary of VE Day.

“As we commemorate VE Day 2005, we should join to give thanks for the relative peace of the past sixty years and recommit ourselves to the universal values of freedom and democracy.


Invasion of the Earth won’t be done by aliens but, if we do not fight back, by “religious

Labor plays "follow-the-Libs"

In relation to hostage Mr Wood, the position of the Labor opposition siding with the government is deplorable...

BUYING THE IRAQ WAR and other bits...


In a couple of my opinions I expressed in discussions about what we should or not do, I alluded to being reasonable or not... All this to do with the psychological warfare we need to create. A counter-action to the lies that are dished out everyday by our government (and peddle by others if you wish). manages to do it a bit but, even there, it’s still in “limbo-land�? as far as turning the necessary number of minds around... “Preaching to the converted�? is not a bad thing as it reinforces the faith but one still needs to go our there and do some door to door salesmanship...

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