Friday 17th of January 2025


the worm is in the can .....

the worm is in the can .....

Imagine for one moment the corridors of power and influence, from presidential palaces to military command centres, being populated by the likes of Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists etc, who utter such racist nonsense that one race had been responsible for most of humanity's great achievements, that they are more apt at ruling the world's affairs!

smokin' .....

smokin' .....

Goldman Sachs will incur further damage to its reputation today when it releases details of a $5 billion bonus package for staff for the first three months of the year. Fabrice 'Fabulous Fab' Tourre, the now-suspended London-based banker targeted by US authorities for his role in an alleged $1 billion mortage-hawking scandal, can expect to receive a substantial slice of the cake.

act of god...


ABOUT 20,000 Australians, whose travel plans have been thrown into chaos by the Iceland volcanic eruption, face confusion over their travel insurance.

The director of the multi-insurer travel insurance website Travel Insurance Australia, Walter De Angeli, said the big insurance providers such as QBE and Alliance were offering to cover all reasonable expenses such as accommodation, meals and cancellation fees incurred after European flights bans last week.

cow pharming...

Cows on Drugs


Stanford, Calif.

NOW that Congress has pushed through its complicated legislation to reform the health insurance system, it could take one more simple step to protect the health of all Americans. This one wouldn’t raise any taxes or make any further changes to our health insurance system, so it could be quickly passed by Congress with an outpouring of bipartisan support. Or could it?

getting in deeper and deeper...


Gay rights activists have criticised a Vatican official who sought to link homosexuality to paedophilia when commenting on child sex abuse scandals.

The UK's Stonewall group said it was astonishing gay people should still be dealing with "such an offensive myth".

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone had said homosexuality, not celibacy, lay behind the child sex abuse scandals.

The cardinal, the Vatican's foreign minister, was speaking in Chile, where his comments were also condemned.

new art imitating... old (f)art...

spot the dif...

Neither the judges, Leach nor the gallery are troubled by the similarity.

''There are some key differences there,'' Leach, 37, said. ''Quite clearly I'm quoting that original work … I'm not sort of ashamed or worried about it.''

As for the Wynne's rule that the landscape be Australian, that wasn't a problem, either.

Leach, who also took out this year's Archibald Prize, pocketing $75,000 for the two wins, said his Wynne painting was ''a projection into some kind of idealised future'' and that people saw landscapes ''through a certain kind of constructed idea of what a landscape should be''.

Not a good show at all

Not a good show at all

In fact Reuters was shown the Apache video by the US military shortly after the killings, but raised no stink. Requests for public release under the Freedom of Information Act were denied. Finally whistleblowers handed the video to Wikileaks.

you're welcome...


A former High Court justice would swap 10 judges for one honest homosexual like singer Ricky Martin, a conference in Brisbane has been told.

Michael Kirby, former Justice of the High Court of Australia, opened and closed his keynote address at the second International Queer Studies Conference on Thursday by playing Martin's song Livin' La Vida Loca.

Justice Kirby, who revealed he was gay while serving on the High Court, praised the singer for coming out about his homosexuality.

second as farce: asylum seekers & piers akerman .....

 asylum seekers & piers akerman .....

Piers Akerman has been testing his vast capacity for self-parody. His piece in Monday's Telegraph on asylum seekers reads as if written on a bet or a dare. The frenzy whipped up over asylum seekers after the Tampa's arrival was a tragedy for this country. Akerman seems determined to repeat it as farce.

emerging from the foam in alice springs...

Abbott's togs to hang at Alice pub

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's bright red swimming trunks and cap will be put on display in an Alice Springs pub.

Mr Abbott made the outfit famous when he wore them in a race.

Avril Vaughn owns a pub in Alice Springs and bought the ensemble in an online charity auction for $3,400.

The money raised from the sale has gone to the Spastic Centre.

"Alice is full of fun-loving people and they I'm sure will see it for the bit of fun that it is, and a donation to a great cause," she said.

beneath the star spangled banner .....

beneath the star spangled banner .....

Today, in New York City, the US is torturing a Muslim detainee with no prior criminal record who has not even gone to trial.

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