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dramatic warming...DER SPIEGEL: In fact, the Arctic is warming more dramatically than any other part of the world. What does that mean for Greenland?
Ahlstrøm: In recent decades, circulation patterns in the atmosphere have changed. We have evidence that warm air is reaching the ice sheet more and more frequently. This has to do with changes in the jet stream. They ensure that the air over Greenland in summer comes less frequently from the far north – and very often from the mid-latitudes, where it is warmer.
learning nothing from the pectoralis muscles of history...
US President Joe Biden said the US can turn to “other options” should negotiations with Iran fail. A senior Iranian official responded, saying it’s an illegal threat and that Tehran has the right to respond in kind.
The warning from Tehran was voiced on Saturday by the secretary the Supreme National Security Council, Admiral Ali Shamkhani, who tweeted it in Farsi, English, Hebrew, and Arabic.
the marketing of stationary bullshit...It is hard for an old cartoonist like Gus to keep track of ScoMo's crap and make fun out of it... One could say that satire is exhausting under the present circumstances and Gus' pencils can't match the brilliance of Shakespeare (I mean the cartoonist). This is why I borrow the cartoon above. It illustrates the story which comes with it: ScoMo is the master of marketing stationary bullshit while promising that it is on the move...
---------------- Even Berejiklian is fed up with the PM, who she privately regards as an ‘evil bully’
salvaging the financial markets before saving the planet...Josh Frydenberg has acknowledged that managing carbon risk is now a major preoccupation in global capital markets as the Morrison government mulls what commitments it will take to the Cop26 in Glasgow later this year.
escape from the debacle...
Dozens of Australian nationals and visa holders stranded in Afghanistan were plucked from the suburbs of Kabul this week as part of a tense multinational extraction effort to get foreigners into the airport and on board evacuation flights, the ABC can reveal.
the bane of history...
"We spend a great deal of time studying history, which, let's face it, is mostly the history of stupidity." Stephen Hawking
"Rulers, Statesmen, Nations, are wont to be emphatically commended to the teaching which experience offers in history. But what experience and history teach is this - that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it. Each period is involved in such peculiar circumstances, exhibits a condition of things so strictly idiosyncratic, that its conduct must be regulated by considerations connected with itself, and itself alone."
infectious perspectives...
The NSW government has unveiled its long-awaited roadmap for schools to return to face-to-face teaching, as the state recorded 882 COVID-19 cases and two deaths.
open secret momentums...
"it is clear that the West believes in diversity rather than in uniformity, in pluralism rather than in monism or dualism, in inclusion rather than exclusion, in liberty rather than in authority, in truth rather than in power, in conversion rather than in annihilation, in the individual rather than in the organization, in reconciliation rather than in triumph, in heterogeneity rather than in homogeneity, in relativisms rather than in absolutes, and in approximations rather than in final answers.”
traditional paradigm of the american empire...
The mainstream media are divided between two ways of interpreting the fall of Kabul. For some, the Democrats are cowards and the departure from Afghanistan discourages the allies. For others, they have played well and placed a thorn in the side of the Russians and the Chinese. These two views correspond to the traditional paradigm of the American Empire.
good ol' gesunder menschenverstand...
A post on the AAAS community from a member and, guessing by the post, Gus Leonisky believes that the member seems to be a global warming “denialist” or at least a sceptic… Nothing wrong with this... But?
A denialist of global warming on AAAS? Hum... Interesting.
Aug 24, 2021 9:08 AM
Harold Seelig
the hardening of shit...
Any cow in a paddock would be able to tell you that it takes only a few hours for a cowpat to dry hard… This observation would be appreciated by a certain Mr Lavoisier, but he would demand accurate measurement of time, of weather conditions and place.
In a parallel universe...
In "A Time to Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country," published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2007, General Wesley Clark, former four-star general, recalls two visits to the Pentagon following the terrorist attacks of September 2001. On the first visit, less than two weeks after September 11, he writes, a "senior general" told him, "We're going to attack Iraq. The decision has ... been made.”
in the sewers...
Hundreds of former Australian embassy guards and their families were left standing in sewage in a moat for hours outside Kabul airport yesterday, before being told they could not enter because they did not have visas in their passports.
the disease is here to stay... it was here before...
Long COVID: Patients fight to be believed
In the past 18 months, the answer Marta Esperti has heard from doctors most often is: "You will have to wait it out."
changing hobby horse...
Many leaders were shocked at America’s disastrous abandonment of Afghanistan. One who was not? China’s President Xi Jinping. He has long been convinced of the inevitability of US decline and Chinese ascendancy: “The East is rising,” he likes to say, “and the West is declining.” He is setting China up to be the world’s leading power and he’s well on the way.
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